Social Benefit/ Fundo Apply with Boss Dec. 100E.
Social Benefit to Apply with Boss Declaration, Total charge is 100 Euro, Work is possible by email or by their Portal or CTT, Checklist
- ID from Client
- IBAN, ( Account details)
- The address which was recorded in social office.
- Current Phone Number
- The Position of the work, eg, cook, helper, Agriculture.
The Model to write email
Email to –, |
Subject- Subsidio de desemprego para NAME OF CLIENT, NATIONALITY, DATE OF BIRTH.
Venho por este meio solicitar o subsidio de desemprego.
Envio em anexo os documentos necessários.
Profissão exercida: …………
Morada fiscal: ………………………….
IBAN: ……………………………
Caso necessite de algo mais, disponham.