Social Benefit/ Fundo Apply with Boss Dec. 100E.

Social Benefit to Apply with Boss Declaration, Total charge is 100 Euro, Work is possible by email or by their Portal or CTT,  Checklist

  1. ID from Client
  2. IBAN, ( Account details)
  3. The address which was recorded in social office.
  4. Current Phone Number
  5. The Position  of the work, eg, cook, helper, Agriculture.
  6. POA

The Model to write email 

Email to –,


Subject- Subsidio de desemprego para NAME OF CLIENT, NATIONALITY, DATE OF BIRTH.

Venho por este meio solicitar o subsidio de desemprego.
Envio em anexo os documentos necessários.
Profissão exercida: …………
Morada fiscal: ………………………….
IBAN: ……………………………
Caso necessite de algo mais, disponham.